New Year’s Resolutions can benefit kids. Here are some ideas for 2023.

New Years Resolutions Can Benefit Kids Brighton Preschool

New Year’s resolution is a tradition, in which a person resolves to continue good practices, change an undesired trait or behavior, accomplish a personal goal, or otherwise improve their behavior at the beginning of a calendar year. New Year’s resolutions aren’t just for adults anymore.

A New Year can bring new excitement and opportunities for kids to grow. Additionally, kids can learn to focus on healthy habits and new goals just like adults. Our recommendation is that parents and guardians sit down with kids to pick a few things to work toward in 2023. In fact, involving kids in the decision-making, and making these fun for the whole family can help turn these resolutions into long-lasting habits. Kids also love having something to work toward and to have fun keeping track on sticker charts or getting praise or rewards as they reach these goals, depending on their age.

Need ideas? Here are some age-appropriate suggestions for New Year’s resolutions:

6 New Year’s Resolutions for Preschoolers:

  • I will try hard to clean up my toys by putting them where they belong.
  • I will try new foods when I can, especially all different colors of vegetables.
  • I will let my parents help me brush my teeth twice a day.
  • I will wash my hands after going to the bathroom and before eating.
  • I will learn how to help clear the table when I am done eating.
  • I will do my best to be nice to other kids who need a friend or look sad or lonely.

3 New Year’s Resolutions for Ages 5 to 12:

  • I will drink water every day.
  • I will try to find a physical activity (like playing tag, jumping rope, dancing or riding my bike) or a sport I like. Afterward, I will do it at least three times a week.
  • I will try to save time to read for fun.

3 New Year’s Resolutions for Teens:

  • I will do my best to take care of my body through fun physical activity.
  • I will try to get 8 to 10 hours of sleep that my body needs each night.
  • I will do what I can to help in my community. Furthermore, I will give some of my time to help others, working with community groups or others that help people in need. These activities will make me feel better about myself and my community.

“My two boys are now attending Brighton. We tried enrolling my 2 year old at another daycare and he hated it. He would cry as soon as he saw the school and was always crying when I picked him up. Needless to say we took him out in less than a week, and looked for another daycare for him and my infant. That’s when we found Brighton. It’s night and day at Brighton! We are on our second week and they love it and the teachers. No crying, no fussing, and they are learning so much! My 2 year old is talking more and he even wants to potty train. The baby has learned to clap his hands and say, “yay!” You can tell the teachers care about the students and I love that! We feel so comfortable with them there because we know we no longer have to worry when we leave them. They are in good hands!”